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The Magic of House Mirrors

  We have been doing a lot of redecorating and painting in our home lately and one thing Ive been collecting is antique golden mirrors to hang through out my dark manor! Not only are they practical and can bring the light into a dark space, but there is an even more magical reason to adorn your halls with these enchanting little portals.     Before continuing, I want you all to remember that a Regular Mirror and a  Magic Mirror  (used for scrying) are different things, as ‘magic mirrors’ are rarely mirrors themselves. This article is about Regular Mirrors and how these can actually be used in Magic. Before we move forward lets discuss Aphrodite and her mirrors.  The sacred object and ‘weapon’ of  Aphrodite  is a mirror. Even the symbol of planet  Venus  (the Latin name of Aphrodite) is a circle with a cross underneath it, which represents her beloved copper hand mirror, she so proudly held.   Aphrodite was truly a Goddess of Love & Beauty, but this is not just the case.  Aphrodite’

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