Witches Hunting Witches...
With the devastating events that have unfolded as of late and the far reaching impact it has had both on and off of social media. It is clear that as Witches we are called to help and support in any way we can, and see fit..... If that means we are called to post publicly with intentions and well wishes for healing and protection so be it. Or it could mean privately practicing those exact same things, but choosing to maintain the sacredness of those workings without posting any of it on any social media platform, then that should be fine too.... All Witches should fully respect each others choices with no questions asked or presumptions made.....
However it has become very evident that witches shaming and bullying other witches is alive and well within this community and unfortunately the acceptance of this behavior is becoming more prevalent.....
It is not for us as Witchs to generalize and assume ill intent or have preconceived notions about other Witches thoughts, feelings or actions, let alone pass judgment on things you have no idea about....
As the saying goes..."Just because you cant see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."....AND...As we all know witchcraft is all about intention, it is petty and ego driven to thrust guilt and shame on those who's intentions are pure but private..... Posting on social media does not make for a better or worse Witch, however NOT posting on social media should not villainize you either....
There are those who work in the shadows and take great comfort in that, and have chosen that path for many reasons and whatever those reasons are, they should stay private with zero explanation but MOST importantly respected....Never to be told they are not real Witches or Ever talked down to because they dont conform to what some Witch has in her mind of what should be on another Witches page....
Witchcraft has been around long before social media and will remain long after its passing, however what worries me the most is that so will these judgments.
Many Blessings Jillian ❤
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