Happy Midsummer The Summer Solstice

  "Welcome to the longest day of the year! A day to worship the the sun and be grateful for its light. Celebrate the magic of love and light today as the sun will linger and dance upon the skyline and fill us with warmth. Let it kiss you on your face until you fall asleep under the moon."  
                                      - The Slavic Witch

  Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, the bursting forth of growth and abundance and creativity, and the peak of summer Fire energies. In our modern world, this day also marks the astronomical and “official” first day of Summer. The word solstice comes to us from the Latin for “sun standing still”: sol meaning sun and sistere meaning to stand still. At Solstice, the Sun appears to rise in the same place on the horizon for several days, hence the name.

  From this point, the Sun’s energies begin to wane, the days get slightly shorter and we know that the first harvests of Autumn are coming as we move along the spiral in our own evolution in the cycle of our life’s journey with the Sun. But that solar energy is still manifesting quite strongly on Earth. The land is lush, food is abundant, and Sun blesses us with light and warmth.

  Midsummer which also also refers to the Summer Solstice as the halfway point of Summer as some Pagan communities believe Summer starts on Beltane (May 1) and ends on Lughassahd (Aug 1). It was believed that on Midsummer, the fairies and witches held their own festival and therefore was a prime time for supernatural happenings such as an elf sighting. Similar to Samhain the realms between the worlds of fae and mortals were said to be thin. Shakespeare’s famous “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream” alludes to the strange magic of this day that sometimes seems outside of normal time.

  However, though considered a celebratory time with dancing and feasting, it was also filled with magic and a concern about possible evil spirits. According to tradition, evil spirits could arrive on Summer Solstice as everyone was celebrating, so it was important to wear flower and herb garlands or amulets for protection. The main festivities included an all-night bonfire, also meant for protection, which everyone in the community would contribute to. Then the ashes were said to be used on one’s garden to help with the harvest.

  As for a Litha or Midsummer altar, use citrus or gold candles and add shapes that connect to the Sun such as pinwheels or crosses. And of course, flowers to ward off evil spirits or anoint with the citrus ritual oil for extra magic.

    Many Blessings J❤


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