June’s Strawberry Full Moon πŸ“πŸ“

Get ready to feast on strawberries this Full Moon.  On the evening of Thursday, June 24—just after sunset—look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. There, it will appear large and golden hue.  Ever wonder why June has so many weddings?  Because the June full Moon has a yellow color like honey.  Therefore the term honeymoon was created....

Intuitive powers will increase as we approach the June Full Moon. This is a time to gather and harvest things you've planted earlier this spring. The Strawberry Moon is a time of transformation as you continue to ripen.  It's a time to pick your intentions.  Winds of Change are in the Air! The spiritual meaning of full moon June 2021 relates to good fortune, optimism and generosity....

June’s Full Moon is a friendly one and will feel different from the string of potent Full Moons we have had since the start of the year....

Now more than ever its time to stay in the present moment.  Manifest within your heart and soul that which you desire the most...

Allow yourself to let go of any frustrations and don’t allow them to hold onto you. Breathe through the situations that test your patience, and feel, or sense, the steps that you must take. Practice this on a daily basis and it will become second nature in no time.

June’s Full Strawberry Moon got its name because the Algonquin tribes knew it as a signal to gather ripening fruit. It was often known as the Full Rose Moon in Europe and the Honey Moon...

Honey refers to the new marriage’s sweetness. Moon refers to how long that sweetness might probably last or from the changing aspect of the moon—from full to waning....

This full moon is used as a signal that fruit particularly strawberries are ready to be picked.  "In places where strawberries aren't native, this Moon was also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon."

Now more than ever its time to stay in the present moment.  Manifest within your heart and soul that which you desire the most...

Enjoy this beautiful moon!!! JπŸ“


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