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Happy Lammas!!!

Because of this association, this sabbat has a focus on gratitude and feasting for the food the earth has provided. In our modern lives, most of us don’t need to grow our own food, even if you do have a garden, because we can easily access food that is already made for us. Lughnasadh is a wonderful time to reflect on how fortunate we are and everything we can be grateful for that makes our everyday life more simple. It is easy to see the downfalls of modern society but we often don’t appreciate the convenience of it all and how it allows us to pursue other goals and dreams....

Any sabbat is a wonderful time to share food with family and friends, but Lughnasadh is especially a great time because it's all about giving thanks for an abundant harvest. Have a huge feast of seasonal foods to symbolize an abundant harvest. Some common foods in season at this time are bread, grains, corn, and summer squash. Some of the last harvests of berries and the first harvest of apples happen around this time of year....  

Kitchen witches might have fun baking things like zucchini bread and apple or berry pie. And no harvest celebration is complete without a few drinks! Alcoholic beverages are popular at this sabbat, especially drinks like ale, beer, wine, and mead....

Because Lughnasadh, a pagan holiday, and Lammas, a Christian holiday, have gotten blended together over the years as they take place around the same time, a traditional thing to do for this sabbat is to bake a loaf of bread. The word Lammas means Loaf Mass, and it marks the time when the first loaves of bread were consecrated at the altar of the church. Traditionally, the first sheaf of grain was ceremonially cut and made into bread, symbolizing the grain’s sacrifice to sustain our lives.....

As with every sabbat, it is a great time to switch up your altar decorations with the changing of the seasons. Think of the colors of a field ready for harvest such as yellow, brown, gold, bronze, and green. This is when you will begin to transition your altar theme from summer into fall. Decorations you may want to include are cornucopias, wicker baskets, stalks of grain, ornamental corn, or even a bowl of popcorn kernels or grains such as rice or oats....

Crystals associated with this sabbat include Citrine, Aventurine, Malachite, Topaz, Peridot, Obsidian, and Sardonyx. Incense and herbs associated with this sabbat include rosemary, frankincense,  my favorite sandalwood, basil, parsley, and mint.

Another idea is to create a besom...

A besom is a small broom, commonly used in witchcraft and magick to sweep energy from a space. Many witches and magickal practitioners like to use a besom to clear their altar spaces or prior to casting a circle before performing spells and rituals. When you make your own instead of buying one that is mass-produced, you are able to put your own magick into it, making it special and unique!

Get outside...

While on a nature walk, collect thin fallen sticks and twigs and a large straight fallen branch. Do not take anything from a tree other than what it has shed to show respect for the life cycle of nature. Gather the sticks together and tie to the branch, fashioning it into a besom. You can keep this at your altar or use it as a home decoration. It looks great as a decoration for the upcoming sabbats, Mabon and Samhain!

Many Blessings J ❤


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